
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Potpourri CXXX
I have a LOT of junk in the blog file, so let's just see how far I get before I grow tired of the exercise. Ya just never know what mood is going to strike me sometimes.

From Kate Down Under:
  • A roundtable site on the Battle of Midway, one of the major turning points of World War II.
From Jerry Pournelle:
From D2:
  • Seven species of robot
  • A truly fantastic lecture on why we should go to Mars.
It's been awhile, but these are still (mostly) worth reading...some of my thoughts on using targeted marketing to appeal to specific audiences in space advocacy.

A cautionary tale for any Gen Y tech genius looking to get ahead in the world: Apple traditionally has kept a tight hold on keeping new products from being seen by the public until they were good and ready. That is, until this kid brought a new "4G" iPhone with him to a bar, got ripped, and left it behind, allowing to pick it up and reveal some of its secrets to an interested world. Wonder where this kid's next job is going to be and whether he'll be asking "You want fries with that?"

National Geographic has some cool pictures of the lightning generated by the Iceland volcano. Speaking of that volcano, it's affecting domestic commercial aviation revenues, not just transatlantic.

Note to scientists interested in hunting for meteorite fragments: try to do it expeditiously during planting season.

Interesting letter to the editor in the Huntsville Times on being yourself.

A report in the Houston Chronicle says that depression is more common in springtime than winter. Doesn't sound right to me, but I've always been cold-intolerant/-depressed.

Some mild Mars humor from Fox News viewers.

Speeding isn't just monitored by cameras on the ground anymore...

Did you know vacationing was a basic human right? Depends on whom you ask.

An opinion poll by the Everett Group on space exploration.

Markings on Pluto look like molasses?

More details revealed on the X-37, which launched last week.

From the Chronicle of Higher Education: a good article on bad writing. Trust me, folks: there is NO need for academic writing to be bad or dull.

Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, has an editorial on the failings of Constellation, getting a few things wrong and missing a few critical points, alas. Like the Shuttle, I have a feeling Constellation won't be missed until it's gone.

Some more good pictures of Ares I-X.

Speaking of Ares I-X, I have two articles in the latest edition of Ad Astra: a summary of Ares I-X and a review of Les Johnson's latest book.

I keep getting asked what I think of the Obama administration's NASA policy. Best I can do is refer you to the first paragraph of the National Space Society's original response to the 2011 budget. After all, I wrote that one. :-)

Speaking of Obama's space policy the New York Daily News has an editorial by Robert Zubrin on Obama's "failure to launch." There's also this.

The subtitle on this article made me laugh long and loudly: "Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said in an interview Sunday, when asked about the Tea Party protests, that the Obama administration is paying more attention to the deficit than the Bush administration did." BWAH ha ha ha ha ha! Want to visualize what "budget cuts" mean to the current administration? Check this out, and this.

A climate scientist in Australia was quick to "announce" that the eruption of the Iceland volcano would have no effect on temperatures in Europe. And if temperatures DO drop, as they did after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

A really excellent and uplifting (if a tad utopian) talk by my buddy Loretta Whitesides on the future of space and what we can do with it.

Did you know there was a "man-cession" on?

Amazing what some folks will pay good money for...for instance, movie props from the latest Iron Man movie.

Former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin will speak at the Mars Society Convention this coming August. Speaking of Griffin, he was one of the VIP guests at Yuri's Night Huntsville this year.

Sometimes it's all about modernizing the Benjamins...

I just liked these images...some of the world's most unusual buildings.

Why are some guys single? This article suggests a few answers...I've pled guilty to most or all of these at one time or another.

Twenty years of Hubble Space Telescope photos. Saaaaa-lute!

I still want to include this artist's work as part of ISDC 2011. Anyone have any idea how one goes about arranging that?

From one of my random morning internet surfing adventures:
  • A Guide to the World’s Healthiest Booze
  • Best Star Wars memorabilia ever (some of these are arguable)
Speaking of booze, I got this link from Tina, indicating that stronger wine might be available for sale in Alabama soon. I don't want stronger wine here, I just want to be able to ship good stuff here.

Rock your Christmas hard:
From my old stomping grounds of Illinois...Blago (former Governor Rod Blagioevich) wants to subpoena President Obama in a corruption trial. This could prove interesting.

This is kinda cool: a 360-degree view of Atlantis on the launch pad at Complex 39A.

The makers of Marmite are taking the British National Party to court for using their product in an ad without their permission.

Because traveling through Dulles International Airport doesn't bite enough...

From Nick Skytland, an interesting article on how management is done at Pixar Studios.

From Joanne Manaster:
  • The world's tiniest world map.
  • Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking advises against attracting E.T.'s attention.
Random: William Shatner and some Chinese guy I've never heard of doing a cover of "Total Eclipse of the Heart." No, really.

This is pretty cool: a father developed an app to help his autistic son communicate.

Wow! Cleared 'em all out. Might as well reward myself with (almost) 8 hours of sleep. Stranger things have happened.

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