
Thursday, January 03, 2008

The 2008 Reading List

I went over my Amazon wish list to "get serious" about my reading plan for 2008. My goal is to focus on some of those books that have stayed on that list for awhile. Consider this a premiere of coming attractions, though other reviews might pop up as my "book habit" strikes me.

To the Stars Robert A. Heinlein
The Historian Elizabeth Kostova
Mother of Storms John Barnes
The Shield of Time Poul Anderson
The Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio
Faust Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Inferno Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Fleet of Worlds Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner
The Crook Factory Dan Simmons
Maus: A Survivor's Tale Art Spiegelman

The Guns of August Barbara Tuchman
The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How Three Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny Victor Davis Hanson
The Heritage of World Civilizations Albert M. Craig
Reflections on a Ravaged Century Robert Conquest
100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present Paul K. Davis
The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints Harold Lamb
The Great Frontier Walter Prescott Webb
American Diplomacy: A History Robert H. Ferrell
The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy Russell F. Weigley
The Influence of Sea Power on World History Alfred Thayer Mahan

Science, Technology, & Space
Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming Bjorn Lomborg
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle John D. Barrow
The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy Peter W. Huber
Arcology: The City in the Image of Man Paolo Soleri
Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship George Dyson
The Space Elevator: A Revolutionary Earth-to-Space Transportation System Bradley C. Edwards
Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms and the Race to the Moon Mike Gray
Toward Distant Suns T. A. Heppenheimer
Colonies in Space T. A. Heppenheimer

Terraforming: Engineering Planetary Environments Martyn J. Fogg

Philosophy & Politics
The Two Cultures C. P. Snow
The Conscience of a Conservative Barry Goldwater
Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method Kenneth Burke
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Martin Fridson
Space and the American Imagination Howard McCurdy
Trans-Mambo Chicken and the Trans-Human Condition: Science Slightly Over the Edge Ed Regis
The Culture Cult: Designer Tribalism & Other Essays Roger Sandall
Ideas Have Consequences Richard M. Weaver
The Culture We Deserve: A Critique of Disenlightenment Jacques Barzun
A Republic, Not an Empire Patrick Buchanan

Strategic Planning for Public Relations Ronald D. Smith
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness Robert K. Greenleaf
Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace Ron Zemke
Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do And Why They Do It James Q. Wilson
Economic Principles Applied to Space Industry Decisions Paul Zarchan

The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Communications Clarke L. Caywood
Market Education: The Unknown History Andrew Coulson
Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries Terri Morrison
Creating Public Value Mark Harrison Moore

Isambard Kingdom Brunel L.T.C. Rolt
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War Robert Coram
My Grandfather's Son Clarence Thomas
Korolev: How One Man Masterminded the Soviet Drive to Beat America to the Moon James Harford
Tramp Royale Robert A. Heinlein

Grumbles from the Grave Robert A. Heinlein

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