
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Returning from Europe

Greetings, Dear Readers (all 20 of you)! Some of you are no doubt interested in all my little adventures, and especially in seeing pictures from said travels. I am doing my darnest, but my camera or my computer is barfing because I have too many images to download. Any suggestions on how to clear all that stuff out or download it to my computer more directly would be appreciated. In the meantime, I am rereading my journal (filled two of 'em!) from the last three weeks to remind myself of what-all I did and to try to sort it out into some sort of logical forms. I think what I'll do is fire off a "first impressions/thoughts" posting first (short version: LOVED IT!), then break up my comments by topic or location. This may take awhile, but hopefully such an arrangement will avoid a 6,000-image slide show on "how I spent my summer vacation," which can bore anyone after awhile.

Your patience is appreciated!

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