
Saturday, February 06, 2010

What Should Be Done With NASA?

The National Space Society issued a press release yesterday on the Obama administration's 2011 budget. The whole thing is worth reading, but the first paragraph crystallizes the argument:
The National Space Society (NSS) commends NASA and the Executive Branch for proposing to increase spending for science, technology, and sustainable economic development in space; however, we believe the President’s 2011 budget request would leave the job only partly done. NSS calls for the President and Congress to restore funding for human spaceflight beyond low-Earth orbit. NASA’s goal should be to make it possible to incorporate energy and resources from space into our economy and to extend human presence throughout the solar system.
If you are interested in changing the future of the space program and continuing to send Americans beyond low-Earth orbit, register now for NSS Legislative Blitz. We are organizing citizen lobbyists to visit Congressional and Senate offices February 21-23 to tell our elected officials why it's important to do so. You don't need a lot of fancy training (one day should do it); just dress nicely and be prepared to speak clearly with whatever passion you can bring to bear. Space exploration needs all the help it can get.

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